Grant Opportunities >> Grant Administration

To-date, the San Diego IRWM Region has received over $132 million in IRWM Implementation Grant funds under Proposition 50, Proposition 84, Proposition 1, and the 2021 Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Funding. These funds support implementation of 84 high-priority water-related projects. The IRWM grants awarded to the Region are administered by the San Diego County Water Authority, on behalf of the Region and local project sponsors.

Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Grant Administration
The San Diego Funding Area received $5 million to implement four priority projects in underrepresented communities. Of this $5 million, 6% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 94% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage local and other funds to implement projects that will address drought impacts in underrepresented communities in the funding area.

Proposition 1 Round 2 Grant Administration
The Region received $16 million to implement six priority projects by public agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $16 million, 6% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 94% going to individual projects. The grants received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage local and other funds to implement projects that will reduce water use, increase local supplies, improve water quality and restore habitat.

Proposition 1 Round 1 Grant Administration
The Region received $15.3 million to implement 7 priority projects by public agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $15.3 million, 6% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 94% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage local and other funds to implement projects that will reduce water use, increase local supplies, improve water quality, and serve disadvantaged communities.

Proposition 1 Disadvantaged Community Involvement Grant Administration
The Region received $5.5 million for planning activities for 9 priority projects by public agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $5.5 million, 5% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 95% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage local and other funds to implement projects that will reduce water use, increase local supplies, expand water education, improve water quality, and restore habitat.

Proposition 84 Round 4 (Final Round) Grant Administration
The Region received $31 million to implement 13 priority projects by public agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $31 million, 3% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 97% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to plant projects that will reduce water use, increase local supplies, expand water education, improve water quality, and restore habitat. Project information and funding summaries can be found by clicking here.

Proposition 84 Drought Grant Administration
The Region received $15 million to implement 7 priority drought-related projects by public agencies in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $15 million, 3% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 97% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage over $46.2 million in local and other funds to implement projects that will reduce water use, increase local supplies, and otherwise address drought impacts in the Region. Project information and funding summaries can be found by clicking here.

Proposition 84 Round 2 Grant Administration
The Region received $10.5 million to implement 7 priority water-related projects by public agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the San Diego IRWM Region. 3% of this amount will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining $10.2 million going to fund the projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage over $18.5 million in local and other funds to improve water supplies, water quality, water reliability, improve habitat, and serve disadvantaged communities. Project information and funding summaries can be found by clicking here.

Proposition 84 Round 1 Grant Administration
The Region received $7.9 million to implement 11 priority water-related projects by public agencies and NGOs in the San Diego IRWM Region. Of this $7.9 million, 3% will be used to cover the costs of administering the grant, with the remaining 97% going to the individual projects. The grant funds received through this funding opportunity will be used to leverage over $8.2 million in local and other funds to improve water supplies, water quality, and water reliability, conserve and reduced water use, and enhance communities and natural environments providing benefits to both people and native ecosystems. Project information and funding summaries can be found by clicking here.

Proposition 50 Grant Administration
The Region's Proposition 50 Implementation Grant award consists of $25 million to support 19 water-related projects by public agencies and NGOs in the San Diego Region. The Proposition 50 projects will help to increase local water resources, diversify the Region's supply mix, reduce dependence on imported supplies, and safeguard the San Diego Region against drought. Click here for an overview of the 19 projects included within the Proposition 50 Implementation Grant award, as amended.

Grant Administration Web Tool
Grants administered through the San Diego IRWM Program are managed through an online web tool that is only accessible by local project sponsors and RWMG members. The web tool can be found at:

This online tool provides a resource for local project sponsors, including forms, templates, information regarding lessons learned, and other information. In addition, this web tool provides an efficient and effective method of communication between local project sponsors and the SDCWA grant administration team.

Contact Information
For information regarding the San Diego IRWM Grant Administration Process, please contact:

Loisa Burton
Grant Administrator
San Diego County Water Authority
Water Resources Department